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Top Ranked Cities For Proper Health Insurance Care!

In this week’s blog, we realize that the adamancy of health insurance (now more so than ever) is really the central measure of tendency (i.e. stats jargon for “ranked highest”) in today’s currently misshapen world. So, we decided this week to give you five cities that are ranked as the highest (or lowest) ranked cities to live in for health insurance premiums. We urge you to contact us with your needs and questions.

Side note: they rated each of the top five places based on several factors.

This included population health (value of health services, low illness rate, less COVID-19…), education (schooling value), economy (how well the economy functions), housing (big houses versus rundown shacks), food & nutrition (how much poison is in each bite), environment (how much of the air is gas emission and not oxygen), public safety (based on high versus low crime), community vitality (are people happy?), and infrastructure. Let’s dive right on in! These are the best places to live for high healthcare value.

  • Los Alamos County, New Mexico

    Really?! New Mexico ranks as number one? Well, with a population health of 98.4, and relatively high numbers in each of the other categorical rankings (nothing went below 80 except for food and nutrition), they seem to be the safest. I actually have to say that their success with health insurance is the simple fact that they have a total population of 19,695 people, with a small growth rate of 1.53% (based on statistics from the World Population Review, 2020). In other words, they may be the healthiest, but this is based on the average county population of 112,566. Remember, this is one county out of thousands of others, as the U.S. population ranges around 328 million.
  • Douglas County, Colorado

    This one makes more sense, as the population Is 285,465 and the land area is 840 miles, which is double the square footage as well as almost 10 times as that of Los Alamos County, New Mexico (see above). Their population health was 95, with education at 67 and an economy rating of 87. Everything else does not drop below 65. How they are basing these numbers, I do not know. All I know is that with such a high population health, good housing and a rapid economy, there is a simple reason as to why they are number two: the population health is high because people are less stressed out! I live in Miami, Florida. Our population size is 2.72 million, and our population health is probably so bad that it does not even bear a health population score!

    In other words, Colorado is a lax state to live in, and a population of 10 times less than where Miami, Florida is, I can safely say that Florida will never rank high because we live in quite a mess. In other words, the population health is so high because there is less stress, less pollution, less gas emissions, and less angry drivers stuck in traffic!
  • Falls Church City, Virginia

    This falls in line with Los Alamos County, which was number one. It has a small population of 12,332, and covers only 2 square miles, i.e. barely a city. The population health is 98 (the highest among the three), the economy is 100 (a perfect score), and everything else is relatively above 70 points.

    This one is unexplainable, but take as an example the idea of going to and searching: “Falls Church City, Virginia.” How beautiful and uncluttered it looks, right? Again, with a striving economy, good nutrition, and a really, really low population, there are a few extraneous variables, (100 points is suspicious)

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  • Broomfield County, Colorado

    Wow, Colorado seems to be topping the charts! Number Five is another Colorado location, and Number Seven is also a Colorado-based county! Broomfield County, CO has a small population of 55,889 individuals, with a total of 33 square miles. Think about that for a second. That is roughly 1,666 individuals per square mile!

    How are they so healthy?

    With a population health of 88 and an economy of 96, with everything else pretty much matching Number Two (never falling too far below 70 points), we can safely say that this is all based on location. Go to the same and type in the county name and tell me: does that not look like a good place to live…?

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  • Routt County, Colorado

    Again, we see Colorado consuming roughly three out of the five top-ranked counties to live in. With a population of 23,509 and a land area of 2,362 square miles, this is our third top-ranked city based on Colorado. Get ready to pack your bags, wherever you are, and make note that Colorado has never pushed lower than a 60-70 point count out of 100 possible points. You may want to consider this not at all based on the population.

    The size consists of roughly 9-10 people per square mile. That may be a reason in their high health rating, but let us dive a bit deeper: the environment is ranked as 89 out of 100. Community vitality (happiness) is 71 points, as well and food and nutrition is at 69, which is still relatively high. The economy is 76 out of 100, we can actually attribute that their high population health is based on those two factors, especially nutrition. That means that perhaps we are right to think healthy eating is essential to our health!

    Contact us for more information about how to obtain great health plans and keep following us! We have plenty more to tell and plenty of topics at the ready! Stay tuned…

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Moderate Increase In Health Care Costs Coming 2021

With so many Americans suffering with the coronavirus (whether directly as a victim or if merely among us as a bearer of the bad times we are in), how does the country expect to handle all of these piling-up medical bills with authenticity? In accordance with Kimberly Lankford, a Contributing author for US News, we are now seeing that though the price of health insurance will rise, it will not be much.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, we have yet to figure out.

An example would be larger employers of over 50 employees. Their finalized health care plans for 2021 expect to see an average health care cost of $15,500 per employee, which is actually only a mere 5.3 percent increase since the 2020 fiscal year. Smaller companies, of which seem to abide by less stringent health care rules, have not yet reported their figures. However, the main bulk of the issue seems to be the more than it really is. “With this recent open enrollment for some employers this summer, there were more people enrolling who didn’t elect coverage in the past,” states W. Sakamoto.

So, what can we expect to see?

  • Increases in premiums for families and higher-income workers
  • Tons and tons of additional telehealth and virtual care visits
  • An expansion of mental health services throughout
  • Tons of new tools to assist navigating health care options

Let us examine something really important here: the massive expansion of mental health. We do not realize who we are walking among, as one in five adults in the U.S. are struggling with some form of mental illness. Schizophrenia, as an example, tops itself as 1 percent of the population; clinical depression tops that at 17 percent. In all, the U.S. has spent over $200 billion on mental health spending.

Now, since the time of the pandemic, this is slowly but surely creeping into our awareness. The ACA increased adamant amounts of health coverage to those with a mental or emotional illness, and before that point (and before that law), this was without causation. Though the point of this article is not to examine mental health coverage, it is surely a means to an end: with that much spent on mental health alone, can we really handle an increase in a time where mental health is being affected the most?

Remember that open enrollment for begins on November 1st,, and coverage begins January 1st, 2021. If you need help picking a premium, contact us.

A twist comes into the midst: the fact that though one website does justice by showing us that health care coverage increases (i.e. the need of actual health care). Rather, what are the costs? We are actually seeing quite the opposite between actual needs for health care coverage, versus the costs. The U.S. alone reports that 2021 will bring the price from a 2020 12 percent decrease to a 31.9 percent increase.

Just when you thought there was good news, it is quote the opposite, and that is why we urge you to contact us if you need assistance in deciding which plan to use.

Still, many experts continue to say that even these estimates are higher or lower than they actually will be. In turn, it can be hard to predict the future, and we can only base our results on facts. The pandemic has caused crisis and chaos, leading many to turn to free testing. However, what we do not realize is that this is only free for us. An actual COVID-19 test (whether offered to the public as free or not) can range from $23 to as high as $2,315. This means that the government may be spending as much as $200,000 per 10,000 tests! That is insane, when you think about it, but it is a necessity we truly require. In times like this, we often find ourselves facing political backlash: we blame our choice parties based on what they say, not what they do.

This, again, meshes quite well into the midst of healthcare premiums.

When the government loses that much (and believe us, the government is not in such a high state-of-worth as we may think), we find ourselves lost in the world of health insurance costs. When the government poses that much income toward preventing a pandemic, or rectifying it, they will slowly but surely require additional government funds. This will come from Social Security, Health Care, and the Armed Guards.

So, what do we expect?

There will be a massive increase in health care costs, which is why you need to reach out to us for your benefit. We can choose the right premiums and health care plans for you, just hit that “Contact Us” button and get to work! In the meantime, we end with a discussion: where you may be right now. Like most of the world, we are carrying the weight of many others. Our families, friends and loved ones are at stake, and so is our health care coverage. As businesses open up, they are finding it is harder and harder to appease to government regulations about health insurance.

This is because not many can afford such a luxury, as over 99 percent of companies in the United States are small businesses. These are not ones who can afford high deductibles or offer benefits. Rather, they are restaurants, coffee shops, and so on. With this many people losing insurance, it is time to rally up the troops and see how we can do all of this together as a functioning unit!


The Psychology Of Health Insurance (Or Lack Thereof)

Yeah, that is an actual question and even worse, it is a psychological concept in and of itself. So, safety causes happiness. Well, we already knew that, but one study showed us that though we may have been already aware of this phenomenon, we are just beginning to tap the foundation of how happiness is, in effect, regulated by safety.

 When We Once Felt Safe

 Take this as an example: when the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) (outbound) was established, 24 million Americans suddenly gained health plan coverage, more-or-less because they were fined if not paying toward it. The economy began to recover after eight long years of war, and it can almost be insinuated (and many theorists agree) that this entire phenomenon was based on such a simple thing: having health insurance!

So, why begin with such a depressing tale?

Simple: neuroscientific evidence has proven that by simply signing up for a Health Insurance Plan (inbound link here) or a COBRA Insurance Plan (inbound link here), your mood will improve and your stress will disappear, allowing you to successfully navigate your emotions and increase overall productivity and self-value. The collectivist notion of “for the group, not the individual” seems to be growing less and less visible in the eyes of the United States, and we are slowly deteriorating, when you do think about it.

Look, We Are Not Alone

We are facing a pandemic that, once again, tests man against machine. However, since we have established two things already: 1) that if you feel unsafe because of what is going on around you, the last thing you want to worry about is health insurance, and 2) that research shows that having health insurance leads to happiness.

So, what to do?

Right now, and especially during the pandemic, 5.4 million Americans have lost health insurance, and that is why we are writing this blog. It is a reminder of what you should be thankful for, and what you should be doing right now to optimize these horrid times). So, if you want to start, first read our two health plan coverage options: COBRA Insurance and Personal Insurance. Read through it; gather a sense of what it is about. Then, come to us and ask: “How will this actually make me happier?

Do what would alleviate some of the anxiety in the case of an emergency, and reach out to us if you need assistance in picking a plan. We promise we can help. Keep reading, or take a moment to contact us and ask us about what we can do to bring you back to normality, safety, and comfort. Let us embrace happiness together!

Actual Psychological Research Here

Using fMRI scans to measure the brain functions of two groups (one that was insured and the other that was not insured). fMRI scanning allowed researchers to see that the regions of the brain responsible for anger, frustration, and sadness are twice as active as those who are insured. This was tested by injecting them with a radioactive dye that allowed their blood oxygen levels to be measured. It found that the insured individuals had a completely different brain structure and anatomy! The personality tests did not do much justice, either, considering four out of five times the non-insured individuals had a more negative and cynical outlook on the future.

 Yeah, that is a lot to take in, huh?

We also know that a particular brain region called the “amygdala” fosters cortisol production when in times of high stress. This condition is worsening in many, and health problems are going to arrive. We promise, we are not trying to sell you something here. This is a serious discussion about the horrible things we are currently facing, and the simple fact that if you simply had a way of feeling safe (i.e. that in the event of an emergency, you are able to treat it without a huge copay), perhaps you would feel a little better. All we do is try to help, but we in no way condone sporadic marketing.

Let Us End Things Here…

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs is a psychological theory thought up by A. Maslow, of whom founded the positive psychology movement. He proposed that to reach true bliss, we must satisfy four basic needs: those that are physiological, safety, belonging, and self-esteem-oriented. Once those four needs are met, we can reach the next step, such as from “safety” to “belonging,” and so on until we reach the tippy top, where you are omnipotent in the eyes of freedom. So, where does health insurance fall? “Safety,” which is pretty low on the hierarchy. You still have two more levels to climb! Get out of “Safety” and into “Bliss,” where you can accomplish your most wildest dreams!